Saturday, June 14, 2008

Oopsie I did a Poopsie

Our daughter recently turned two years old (some people say terrible two) an age I like to think of as terrific! My husband and I are just amazed at how much she has grown physically and even more amazed at how smart she is. This is an age of independence, an age where she very strongly is exerting that independence. This is the age when all of my boy's began the adventures of potty training. An age when Mommy was home and Daddy was at work(he earned the Super part of his name when he became a stay at home parent) and didn't get to experience those adventures to the fullest capacity. My husband during those years didn't really express an opinion on how this adventure should be enjoyed to the fullest but now that hes has become Super Dad ( master of domestication and all powerful one of parenting) he has a very strategic potty plan in place (I love watching his comical reign as Super Dad). His plan involves waiting until she just climbs on the potty and say's "look Daddy I pooped". He gave her a spoon and she just fed herself so why not just open the top on the potty chair and a way she will go! Now this is one of those times where I refuse to wave the white flag(I've conquered this land 5 times already) and I am constantly giving him pointers as well as helping my daughter learn about her bodily functions ( poopy and pee-pee). Super Dad thinks it's too soon even though she can say " I pooped" and she really has! I think Super Dad is just trying to avoid the dirty chapter of the adventure ( boy is he in for it!). "Oopsie you did a Poopsie" is his favorite saying when changing her diaper, he is very comical and entertaining. It has also become the houshold saying when someone passes gas (yes, I also encourage an excuse me). So the other day we are going about our daily activities (making lunch) when my youngest son says "I think sissy woke up from her nap". Super Dad goes up to her room to get her up while I continue spreading the peanut butter when all of a sudden I hear him say " OMG, what did you do baby?" I run upstairs to find my daughter sitting in her crib with brown soiled hands, a poopy ball sitting next to her and mini-poopy balls all over the floor around her crib. The look on Super Dad's face was Priceless and all I could say was "Oopsie she did a Poopsie!" LOL! My hubby is now revising his potty plan with a disaster prevention section.

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