Monday, August 25, 2008

I've given up

My life has taken a very sharp turn over the past couple of months. I have evolved from a women who worked full time as nurse while hectically trying to raise 6 children. A women who longed to be a wife that wasn't tired all the time, one who eagerly awaited a time I could spend with my husband without feeling guilty that twenty other things were being neglected during that "time". A guilt ridden women because I was spread so thin that I never got time for myself, yes I felt guilty that I wanted me "time". For quite a while I had been feeling a shift in my heart, a new desire that I was uncertain of. That desire enveloped me like a great white shark and left me perplexed for some time. I wanted to take my family and leave the only place I've ever known. Leave my home, my family, my friends, a wonderful job and most importantly my bubble. Was this a desire or some crazy whim that I have been known to concede to in the past. The only way for me to determine this was to pray. I won't go into my awful, shameful past that is filled with so many skeletons you could consider me a serial killer. But I will tell you that God has brought me to a place where prayer has become a vital necessity in my life. I used to be one of the most whimsical people you would ever meet, hence the skeletons that used to reside in my closet (LOL)! Was this desire, this longing to be somewhere else what God intended for not only myself but my family and so I began to pray to my Heavenly Father. Now, when I pray I have learned to expect that God will answer me. I never know the amount of time he will take in answering my questions but I can rest assure that he will answer me when the time is right, when my heart is right and when my eyes are focused directly on him. Over what was a very short period not only did my desire grow but it accumulated a more direct aim than when it first began. God not only wanted my family and I to leave our hometown, he also wanted me to leave my very good job and stay home with my two year old daughter. I was being asked to step down from the pedestal that I had placed myself on, ya know the one where you are plagued with the ludicrous idea that your family will not survive unless you take charge of everything. You have to do everything or it won't be "right". Jesus said in Romans 12:2 " Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind". I had allowed myself to become so independent (like women these days are told to be) that I had lost sight of how important it was for me to be the women God had intended for me to be. I am not saying it is not okay for a women to be self sufficient and support her family nor that it isn't okay for her to work outside the home. But I you allowed the world( friends, family, co-workers, TV, teachers, employers) to be my influences and tried to live my life like everyone else thought I should. It was always very important to me what other peoples opinions were. I asked for their advice, I welcomed their solution to my dilemmas. I had slowly built myself a pedestal that's foundation was cracked with spiritual discord and that is never good for a family. My husband enjoyed his role as Super Dad but he too was feeling a new desire, a pull somewhere else and a longing to join the workforce once again. We prayed together and waited for God's answers, at times with the inpatients of a child the night before Christmas. Impatient, why? you may ask. I get very excited when I know that God has something in store for me, he has blessed me over the years with so much more than I could have ever dreamed of. When God reveals that he has a huge change in store for my life may it be a new child, a new home or a new "job" I have my moments of stress but I know that if I trust him with all of my heart and remain obedient that I will be blessed. To be continued....................

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Learning about Blogging

Okay, so I am writing two post in one day maybe I am just bored out of my mind (NOT in my house)! I just wanted you guys to see what my diet (coffee) and exercise (mouse) machine look like while I'm desperately to figure out how to change my layout, add cool things and get new readers for my blog. I am sooo addicted! If any of you have any ideas, feedback or just want to leave a comment on how much you love this blog feel free to to let me know at any time. Come on, I'm in serious need here, help a sister out! How do you add a small picture behind my Title, every time I try it is too big. Thanks for any help I get with this issue. I am looking forward to becoming one of the elite Pro Blogger's (not with my punctuality & grammar!) here on the world wide web! Not really, I just enjoy writing & reading so much that I plan on being around here for awhile and want to do the best that I can. Thanx to everyone that visits me and keep coming back for more.

Fart Fest

For a long time I have been the only female in my house. Living with 5 sons and a hubby (can you imagine!) is one heck of an adventure to say the least. The toilet seat is always up, there are always heaping mounds of soiled laundry (which have to be inspected thoroughly for dissected worms, frogs, insects), my living room is transformed into a wrestling arena on a nightly basis, my cupboards are always bare (3 of them are teenagers), Friday nights are Fart Fest (you know how competitive guy's are) and good ole Mom has the privilege of judging (smelling, pee-yew!) each colon based on volume, duration of the ripple effect, and stench! I myself find these moments disgustingly funny when we are in the privacy of our own home. Unfortunately the competitive nature of the male species can not be contained inside the walls of their habitat. Price Chopper (the local grocery store) has become a Furbeck Favorite "stomping ground" for Fart Fest. The stage is set with Mom standing in the middle of the bread isle next to several other shoppers (unsuspecting souls) trying to decide between white or whole wheat when one of my well mannered boy's (demon spawn) wraps their arms around me from behind and says "I love you Mom" all the time knowing that they are about to "drop it like it's hot" and then say " Mom! say excuse me" while quickly moving away from me (I am now utterly embarrassed, mortified) as to not draw attention to themselves. Of course it is almost always a loud thunderous and very smelly expulsion of gas (I'd give them a 9 & 1/2 if we were at home). Let's not forget the theatrical touch of each one of them squeezing their nostrils and waving their hands as if they are fanning the smell away from them. "Just cleaning out our colon's Mom!" (laughter permeates the bread isle) chant my lovely boy's, "remember what you tell us about colon cancer (nurse Mommy)" they say. Ooh, the joys of parenting 5 males and being married to the King of Fart Fest.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Oopsie I did a Poopsie

Our daughter recently turned two years old (some people say terrible two) an age I like to think of as terrific! My husband and I are just amazed at how much she has grown physically and even more amazed at how smart she is. This is an age of independence, an age where she very strongly is exerting that independence. This is the age when all of my boy's began the adventures of potty training. An age when Mommy was home and Daddy was at work(he earned the Super part of his name when he became a stay at home parent) and didn't get to experience those adventures to the fullest capacity. My husband during those years didn't really express an opinion on how this adventure should be enjoyed to the fullest but now that hes has become Super Dad ( master of domestication and all powerful one of parenting) he has a very strategic potty plan in place (I love watching his comical reign as Super Dad). His plan involves waiting until she just climbs on the potty and say's "look Daddy I pooped". He gave her a spoon and she just fed herself so why not just open the top on the potty chair and a way she will go! Now this is one of those times where I refuse to wave the white flag(I've conquered this land 5 times already) and I am constantly giving him pointers as well as helping my daughter learn about her bodily functions ( poopy and pee-pee). Super Dad thinks it's too soon even though she can say " I pooped" and she really has! I think Super Dad is just trying to avoid the dirty chapter of the adventure ( boy is he in for it!). "Oopsie you did a Poopsie" is his favorite saying when changing her diaper, he is very comical and entertaining. It has also become the houshold saying when someone passes gas (yes, I also encourage an excuse me). So the other day we are going about our daily activities (making lunch) when my youngest son says "I think sissy woke up from her nap". Super Dad goes up to her room to get her up while I continue spreading the peanut butter when all of a sudden I hear him say " OMG, what did you do baby?" I run upstairs to find my daughter sitting in her crib with brown soiled hands, a poopy ball sitting next to her and mini-poopy balls all over the floor around her crib. The look on Super Dad's face was Priceless and all I could say was "Oopsie she did a Poopsie!" LOL! My hubby is now revising his potty plan with a disaster prevention section.